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Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities

Thank you to our SEMLM Community Partners

Bolton & Menk Commercial Recreation Specialists

David Drown Associates, Inc. Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc.

Smith Schafer and Associates Stantec

Unique Paving Materials Corp. Wenck Construction (Bossardt)

Widseth Smith Nolting WSB & Associates, Inc.

The SEMLM board and membership appreciate your support of cities in Southeast Minnesota. Your support helps

bring speakers and provide training opportunities for the people serving communities throughout the region.

Our common goal of service makes working together an important part of the SEMLM, and we consider your

participation a significant step toward achieving that on a continuing basis.

See the Community Partners application form and FAQ for more information.

Friday August 05 2011


A lot is happening in preparation for our August 29th Southeastern Minnesota

League of Municipalities (SEMLM) meeting in Chatfield. Attached is the

registration form. You are all invited and we hope everyone can attend.

Please share this email with others in your city.

The event starts at 6:00 p.m. to enjoy some social time with fellow city

officials, staff, and legislators. Dinner is at 6:30. The lineup of speakers

is just tremendous. It is a very full agenda, with the speakers starting at

6:50 p.m.

Speakers and topics for the night are:

6:50 pm

Welcome - Mayor Hainlen of Chatfield,

SEMLM Business - Pres. Ron Johnson

7:10 pm

SMIF - Tim Penny - "Regional Economic Development" Update on SMIF

feasibility study for a regional economic development commission. This

meshes with the request from the SEMLM membership to pursue more information

on a regional development commission (RDC) for our region.

7:30 pm

4M Fund - Kent Johnson - New products/services to assist cities with daily

cash management and investment. Look at bank safety, maximizing interest

earnings, enhanced Governmental Portfolio System.

7:50 pm

David Drown & Assoc. - Mike Bubany - "Bond Rating 101" Enhancing your city's

bond rating during tough economic times.

8:10 pm

Minnesota House Tax Committee Chair, Rep. Greg Davids - The Future of LGA -

What are legislators thinking about LGA? Insight from inside the tax


This is an exciting lineup of speakers, including a peek into the crystal

ball of the Minnesota House Tax Chair regarding the future of Local

Government Aid for our communities. After the last nail-biting legislative

session, we need to look at what could happen to LGA in the next few years.

Who needs to attend: City elected officials, city clerks, city

administrators and managers, finance officials, economic development staff

and officials, and budgetary decision makers.

Register today! You know you need to be at this meeting.

If you see changes that need to be made to this distribution list, please

send me a note. I'm happy to help.

Brenda Johnson, Staff

Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities


Annual SEMLM Membership Meeting

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Join us in Rochester at the International Event Center near the airport for our annual meeting next week on the 27th. Well have a terrific meal, a presentation on how cities can reduce their costs for safety training, and voting on what we will focus on as our regional message to legislators and the governor for 2010.

This is the big stuff, folks. Our cities need to look under every rock and in every corner for ways to shave costs; and the SEMLM will bring ideas to our region to help you with that. We also need YOU to represent your city in deciding what the state representatives, senators, and the governor need to hear from us this legislative session. The SEMLM serves best when it joins all the community voices of our region into a cohesive message.

We need your input at this meeting, and we need you to be there. Register today.

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